Sunday, November 9, 2014

Beautiful morning

Who wouldn't love a sunny morning prowl around the late spring garden? Mr Mouse and Fergus were busy exploring somewhere. Then Mouse told me that naughty Fergus had escaped out of the garden, so he needed to be retrieved. Birman cats are confident, curious and extremely pretty, so many appear listed as lost/stolen. My heart would be broken if something happened to my boys. Luckily he hadn't got far so he was taken inside to have his paws cleaned (they were filthy) and all sorts of bits picked out of his fluffy coat. 

Our back garden is looking prettier than it ever has before. The roses are flourishing, and the herbs, fruit and vegetables are looking lush and healthy. 

I had a busy day yesterday helping Em at the South Island National One Day Event Championship. It is lots of fun, and I know what needs doing now, so keep moving all day. I took out so many plaits, which is trickier than you'd think because they are all sewn in. We had our biggest team of horses that I have worked with. I'll be back on my own beautiful girl later today. Our wee foal is doing beautifully. Tara has had a relaxed attitude to the fireworks blasting everywhere, so her wee lady has too. 

Housework and shopping this morning. Four day school week this week as it is Show day on Friday. Yay for long weekends. 


Anonymous said...

The garden looks lush and beautiful doesn't it. Glad you had a good day at the event hope the horses bought home a few ribbons. Xxxx

Anonymous said...

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