Sunday, August 19, 2012

Lilies and Lamingtons

Mouse had his first official garden outing today. It was relatively mild in the back yard, although it looked rather grim and overcast. Miss Dog and I kept Mousie company as he explored. He was pleased to have the back up because it was a wee bit scary out there!
 We've got some serious work to do to tidy up the garden for spring.
 Mr Mouse with his serious face on. Possible monster in the bushes.
 Exhausted after his busy morning.

 Barbara came around today and gave me a lovely lily for my birthday. She gave me a pink one another year, so this will make a lovely addition to the collection.
 As you can see, spring is on the way, thank goodness. The cold weather, including the heavy snowfall, has taken a toll on the garden this year. It has just been too yucky and discouraging to do much. Still, my wee friends are appearing.
 I have a lovely pink daphne, plus the white, both of which are in full bloom currently. I must get some more bushes because they are so divine. I need plenty for picking.
 The hellebores are at their best currently too. It is a shame that they are so shy, and hide their beautiful faces. I wish I had more, but I tend to be rather reticent about paying heaps of money for plants. I'd love some double ones.
This white one is forming a lovely clump. 
 I've got cheerful primula and polyanthus around the garden, although I really need lots more. They are such good value because a single plant, if happy, will merrily spread to make a generous family. This one caught my eye because of the tall stems above the leaves. Very pretty.
 Barbara also bought some lamingtons, which we had to celebrate my birthday. Told you I like my birthday to go for a good week or two. I put them on my pretty green cake stand.
I did some serious weeding and planting in the backyard today. I managed to fill our big wheelbarrow up twice with weeds and prunings. I'm pleased I didn't bust my back, so it must be getting a bit stronger. I decided that I wouldn't head out to the farm because of the dreary day. Zanny prefers to stay in the paddock on very grey days. She makes it pretty obvious. Frank, her horse friend, was out today, so I couldn't invite him out to brighten things up for her. 

I have some roses to move around the garden next weekend. I want to get two standard bay trees to replace  some roses that haven't really worked where they are because they grab you as you try to get past, and are a pain with the mower and wheelbarrow. I might mass plant something underneath them. I do like a bit of structure in the garden to build the cottage look around. 

This year I've decided to work on creating my own Victory Garden. Maybe this week I'll do some investigation of Victory Garden traditions. I'm banned from having poultry because they may put out an open invitation for vermin. Johnny gets remarkably furious about rats and mice in his territory. With my attack kitten, I don't think we have anything to worry about. I won't be having rabbits for eating either, which was a popular source of meat in Victory Gardens. 

I must go and work on some dinner for my darling. We're having chicken biryani with loads of vegetables. There should be plenty left over for lunch tomorrow. 

Ps. Johnny has expressed doubt about having enough room in the garden for my shepherd's hut. I am grief stricken. 

Pps. I haven't eaten a single lolly or chocolate since July. It is a miracle. Even the shepherd's hut tragedy will not sway me from my new virtuous ways. 


Anonymous said...

Look at the dear wee chap prowling about! I see you have Rapture out in your garden, it is just out here too. Meg has a lovely white daphne too. Our pink one is only just coming out. Love you, Mum xxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi there...
Mr Mouse looks hilarious in the garden...wild tiger that he is!!
We have 5 daphnes here (3 pink two white) an tree daphne which is growing really well, the flowers were much earlier than the bush ones and lasted much longer...and still had that lovely smell.
Your glasses looks great by the way.

Good on you for being lolly and choccy free..sadly I can't boast the same achievement!!
Have a great week.
Love you, Megxx