Saturday, January 5, 2008

Doggy Friends on Holiday

Three dear friends, Miss Dog, Miss Poo (Stellar) and The Blonde Bimbo (Daisy) always love their holidays together. Miss Dog is super good on the long car trip to the farm. She gets so excited to see Daisy, and of course when Stellar arrives life is just perfect. This year Flynn came to visit too. He is a Kelpie Lab cross (I think?) and is a bouncing ball of energy. They all loved playing in the creek.
By the way, Stellar is wearing a delightful blonde wig. Isn't she delightful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh..I love the photos...Skelty Poo looks so cute with a blonde mullet!!
Have been furiously putting bark on the garden this morning...looks good, will plant my bargain roses from the Warehosue this afternoon..shame the ground is like concrete!xx