Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sunny Saturday

Take a look at these bright little creatures. They are called Jetfire and have been happily living in my garden for several years. They are the first of the serious daffodils to come out (apart from a double which was quite a surprise this year). I have been checking out the wee treasures as they appear. I am a huge daphne fan, and would like masses of them. The birds are fighting over the bird feeder. John mowed up masses of fallen camellia blooms. I am super fond of camellias, but understand why some people don't like them because of the mess. Still haven't got my lettuces and spring onions in. Today I had a little concert with Orchestra 4. I am getting better at not freezing or losing my place for no apparent reason, when playing for an audience. I am going to be playing with Orchestra 3 next term (all going well). I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend! We are having friends for tea so are popping out to get salad and pasta fixings. Bye for now!


Gigibird said...

I have found you!

Poppy Black said...

How lovely! I (kind of) met the very clever Alison a year ago. She has been my inspiration. That is how I found your blogs. I will email properly very soon! I absolutely love your blogs and the gorgeous things you make.