Sunday, March 23, 2014

Tale of woe

Today I want to share with you scenes rarely gracing the pages of blogs. Blogs are usually, in my experience, places to share the lovely corners fo life. Successful craft projects, pretty displays, happy days out and gracious living. Now, I must confess, my life is full of crappy creations, messy corners, and unruly gardens. My horse was ill mannered on our ride yesterday. My dog sometimes poos in the garage, and my cat uses my raised gardens as his personal ablutions block. We wont even mention what the dog thinks of that! If you think your garden is your personal Hell, and weeds were put on Earth to destroy your spirit, I've got some good news for you. You are not alone.

I present the evidence:
The lavender border. 

Neat rosemary mounds with rose bush between. 

Equally neat rosemary mounds with rose in between. 

Orderly climbing roses espaliered on the fence. 

Carefully pruned rose bush. 

Perfect and productive glasshouse. 

Lovely plump tomatoes.

Fat, healthy cabbages.

Not a weed in sight.
Tidy fruit bushes.

Healthy vegetable plants flourishing. 
Things growing that you expected (lovely plump red onions, where are you?)
Vegetables all eaten happily by family and friends. No waste at all.

I think it might be time to retire from work or gardening. Hopeless. 


Anonymous said...

Love the photos - I look in guilt at the broccoli going to waste when I go to pick the beans, why do I bother growing it in summer? Just for the butterflies I think. You only have to look at what they rotary hoe back into the ground in the market gardens to know that even the experts have plenty of waste! Sorry to hear that Zanny was a bit of a bitch, naughty girl. Been hot here for March. Love you, Mum.xxxx

Anonymous said...

Love the tomatoes!!! Our garden looks similar but everything is crispy brown and dry!!

Visited mum and dad and got some firewood today which was great. Mum has green peppers the size basketballs!!!

Love you guys,
Meg xxx