Saturday, August 25, 2012

Beautiful Day

Today dawned bright and sunny. We had the first day in months that we could classify as "warm". The temperature made it to 20 degrees Celsius. I was so happy. I've missed the sun.  

It has been two wonderful book days. I found these treasures at the Dove Bookshop in Bishopdale. They are second hand, but in perfect condition. 
 Then today we went to the village hall because there was a book sale on to raise money for the local church. It was a spectacular sale. We came home with two big bags of books. Lots of the books were new, rescued, I think, from earthquake damaged shops.

Miss Sophie Dahl impressed me so much as a curvy model, and now she is a shadow of her former self, she spends time writing and cooking. Weird to think that the more she got into her cooking the thinner she became. She did have a kick start to her weight loss by catching a nasty illness in India, but she maintained a steady weight loss with good food and regular exercise. She has lots of yummy and easy to make recipes in this beautiful book. Only $5 brand new.
 You need a lovely cup of tea when you sit down for a good read. I rediscovered this treasure in my cupboard. I'm starting to think that my pretty china should be thinking about making an appearance, after keeping it safely stored through thousands of aftershocks.
 These are both New Zealand books.
 Inspiration for the Victory Garden.
 I've wanted this book for ages. I'd love to be a bit of a crafty minx. This book has masses of great simple projects in it.
 I'll show you some more treasures another day.

I decided that I'd pop into Terra Viva on the way home on Thursday. It has been tough going at school lately, as the winter has taken its toll. I like to keep myself going with beautiful things. The front garden is beginning to look gorgeous again, and I added some pansies and violas to fill gaps and to add some more interest.
 I just love these so much.
 I was excited to find this hellebore too. I've been admiring the double ones in the garden centres, but balking at the exorbitant price. This divine single one was lurking in the camellia border. I got it as a tiny seedling from a friend. I might have to move it to a more prominent position. 
 In total contrast, the anemones are sparkling brightly in the sunlight.
 I weeded all along the front today and popped in my new acquisitions. I told them I need action immediately because I really can't wait to see their pretty wee faces.

I rarely make pudding, as we don't really need it, however I'm a huge pudding fan. Tonight I decided that since I had the oven on, and some leftover cream (another rarity), I'd see what I could scrape together. I ended up making a pear and blueberry sponge pudding from the old classic GHB Cookbook.
 This looks pretty good.
 I was very pleased with how it turned out, although I would have loved lots more fruit and a lighter sponge. This sponge was rather sturdy and utilitarian, a bit like a tweed skirt and sensible lace-up shoes. I wonder if it would be possible to make a pretty tulle petticoat of a sponge.
Tomorrow we will be having another lovely day, according to the weather gurus. I am planning a visit to darling Zanny, and am hoping Johnny will come out for a drive and take some photos of us together. I hope she will be pleased to see me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome fabulous!!

Pudding looks yum..I have never managed to make a spongy light sponge either...still tasty though!!

Hope you have lovely weather today, it is raining here (again!!).

Love you,
Meg xxx